OMF: BG has eight robots all together. Most of the robots are from OMF: 2097 but they have been modified a lot and a lot of detail has been added. At first, you might think its bad but imagine a 3D game with the exactly same robots as 2097. Second, since so much time has passed (according to the story line) the robots have been improved. Some robots were hard to make in 3D and others would have issues with gameplay (such as the shadow 'bot) and were removed. The 3 new robots that have been added are Force, Warlord and Mantis. Not much is known about the robots yet, so don't expect to find as much information here as you did in the OMF: 2097 Robots section.
Jaguar | Force |
Katana | Warlord |
Chronos | Mantis |
Pyros | Gargoyle |
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